A wonderful review of 2018IAI International Festival in May 15th.

In May 15th, the 2018IAI international award Festival and the eighteenth IAI international advertising award ceremony was successfully held on the theme of "adhering to the dream of achievement" in the grand hidden theatre of the world trade sky order in Beijing. On the first day, Chinese CCTV, Baidu, micro-blog, millet, cheetah mobile, Focus Media, Sogou, mango TV, Sacon electrical appliances, rice village, casabe, NetEase, Zhongtai new energy, bird sound, China iron media, North Guangzhou media city television, Guinness world record and other brands of the forefront of the marketing content and creation of the world record and other brands. The point of view. IAI International Creation Festival is an annual event in the field of brand marketing. This festival continues to explore new marketing models and brand development trends in the digital age.

2018IAI international enjoy the opening speech with the opening speech of Professor Ding Junjie, chairman of the sponsor IAI International Advertising Award, which opened the thinking and audio-visual feast of the brand marketing enthusiasts. Professor Ding Junjie expressed that IAI always adheres to the idea of "adhering to the dream of achievement". This dream is the dream of the media people, the dream of the advertisers, and the dream of the brand marketing community. On the IAI platform, more Chinese advertisers will go to the world and let the world see the power of Chinese advertisers.

Subsequently, Liu Guangfei, executive director of IAI International Advertising Award, delivered the opening speech with the theme of "insisting on the achievement of dreams". From 2000 to today, the IAI international advertising award has gone through 18 years and "stick to the dream of achievement". The eighteenth IAI international advertising awards included 1607 brand participants, 2056 cases and works. It later said that this year it would focus on launching a "Oriental big brand" event and continue to develop the IAI International Tourism Award. Liu Guangfei also put forward the concepts of "IAI iceberg theory", "international dream" and "innovative dream" at the scene. When referring to the insistence of IAI, Liu Guangfei put forward three beliefs -- Thanksgiving, self confidence and sacrifice.

The picture is Liu Guangfei, the executive chairman of the IAI International Advertising Award

Then,  with the common witness of hundreds of spectators at the scene, the  "IAI IS HERE", sponsored by the IAI International Advertising Award  Executive Committee, was awarded the Guinness world record for the  poster of the Guinness world record, and Guinness's official staff  awarded the Guinness world record honor certificate by IAI.

IAI was awarded the Guinness world record certificate

After that, 2018IAI international entertainment festival officially entered the main session of the forum. In the morning for the media influence special field and AI intelligent marketing special field, in the afternoon respectively, the content marketing special field, the consumption upgrade special field, the entertainment marketing special field and the mobile marketing special field. As an annual event in the field of brand marketing, the festival invites experts from many fields, such as brand, marketing, advertising, media, academia and tourism, to share the latest and most advanced views.

Media influence in the new era

In  the morning "media influence special", Yin Xuedong, the director of the  CCTV advertising management center, is the opening guest. First of all,  from the perspective of "the future of video", the TV play is the type  of high viewing program, but the development of Chinese video is still  in the primary stage, and the future is bound to meet the outbreak  period.  TV plays are natural and high ratings, and video content will  inevitably evolve into TV plays. Facing the problems of high pay, bad  plays and weak management, the reform of the TV play still needs to be  institutionalized. From the evolution of video, TV plays are the future.

The picture shows Yin Xuedong, chief supervisor of CCTV advertising management center.

Lin Hong, general manager of Baidu search company's large customer department, delivered a speech on the theme of "new media in the AI era, new marketing". Baidu AI media matrix, is through the user coverage, user insight and more innovative interactive form, create content ecology, help CMO grasp the user's heart. In the AI technology, Baidu knowledge atlas technology won the first prize of national science and technology progress last year; Baidu voice recognition, image recognition, face recognition, and AR augmented reality four layout comprehensive ability, creative+ one-stop platform creativity, better help brand owners to convey brand information. Lin Hong, general manager of Baidu search company, Zhi Meng consulting CEO Xiao Mingchao, vice president Zhang Xiang of National Advertising Research Institute, chain family network CMO Song Qi, senior director Guan Haitao of VIPKID brand department, Jin Naili, President Jin Naili and deputy general manager of advertising branch of central Guangzhou Media Development Corporation, Zhang Dong around the new media of the AI Era The new marketing has been discussed.

The picture shows Lin Hong, general manager of Baidu search company.

Panel Discussion

Cao Yuxiang, the general manager of micro-blog's customer marketing department, shared three things about media content, content production, content distribution and content consumption, around the theme of "release marketing influence". In content production, multimedia forms enrich the user's choice; content distribution, micro-blog is divided into natural distribution and commercial distribution; content consumption, micro-blog found a wide range of interest groups, help the author to cash in, will provide more commercial tools. The four key words in marketing are Awareness, Interest, Purchase and Loyalty. Cao Yuxiang, general manager of micro-blog's customer market department, Liao Zhiyong, executive vice president of IMO Animation Co., Ltd., Zhang Liang and vice president Nelson, Mediacom general manager of group Yi group, and Del, vice president of Nelson, discussed the influence marketing of social media.

The picture is Cao Yuxiang, general manager of the micro-blog customer market department

Panel Discussion

Intelligent marketing is the trend of the times

With the development of technology, the ways and forms of advertising marketing have changed. In the era of AI, intelligent marketing is the general trend. In the AI intelligent marketing special field, Zheng Zituo, the general manager of the national marketing center of the MIUI Advertising Sales Department of the millet company, shared the marketing exploration and management of the new media under the AI technology and the IOT ecology, and put forward a new thought of the time and space of the media in the intelligent age by the case of the AI technology and the IOT ecology. Test.

The picture shows Zheng Zituo, general manager of the national marketing center of MIUI Advertising Sales Department of Xiaomi company.

Then, Tan Jingying, vice president of the cheetah's mobile marketing, delivered a speech "the new marketing model of AI Fu", and introduced the cheetah for eight years to sharpen the fission Internet Co. Based on products and users, test water network advertising; based on AI algorithm to produce cheetah big data, to help an accurate degree of advertising, AI algorithm for the cheetah domestic crowd portrait for men, young, high education; AI after the increased exposure of the product resources, full use of AI, open all type of advertising cooperation. In the future, cheetahs will explore overseas markets and embrace the wave of AI.

Tan Jingying, vice president of cheetah's mobile marketing

Content marketing pays attention to strategy

At the beginning of the afternoon's content marketing, Yang Yi, vice president of the Advertising Institute of Communication University of China, director Zhao Hongxia of Sacon electrical appliance brand, Luo Yanhong of North Guangzhou media city television, vice president of China iron media group, and Liu Zhiyong of the brand director of the group of Rice Village group, Liu Zhiyong, There is a heated discussion on the topic of capacity marketing. Cheng Shuo believes that content marketing is to communicate and link with our commercial information and media in different situations. Luo Yanhong pointed out that outdoor media need to do something with content to catch the eye. Liu Zhiyong believes that a better combination of people who understand the needs of enterprises and people at the communication side needs to be understood. Zhao Hongxia said that the combination of product and effect should be the first strategy.

"Detonating point content marketing" Round Table Forum

Chen Peng, a partner and vice president of the Focus Media, has brought the theme of "content and scene: not leaving Mencius, Mencius not to focus" on the relationship between the media and the consumer in the marketing process. Chen Peng put forward the strategy of mobile communication: to be soft and not to be hard, to integrate into important social events and social important entertainment; to do it is not to do it, and to adhere to positive and positive principles for the dissemination of content. Scenario based communication strategy requires precise marketing strategies for work, life, consumption and entertainment consumption scenarios.

The picture shows Chen Peng, partner and group vice president of Focus Media

New retail model under consumption upgrading

Cheng Chuanling, the marketing general manager of Haier household electrical appliance industry group, shares how casabe creates a high-end brand of phenomenal level, and analyzes the way casabe is the growth of China's brand promotion as a Chinese brand. Cheng Chuanling believes that casabe's success has benefited from unique brand resources and actively lead technology; at the same time, casaba pays much attention to the interactive model of original brand, specifically, from transaction to interaction, from customer to user to lifetime user, from price to value, from distribution to fermentation.

The picture shows Cheng Chuanling, general manager of Haier home appliances industry group

Wang Jiali, Yang Jingwen, Huang Jiayun and Chen Yingdi, the NetEase media marketing strategy research group, made a keynote speech entitled "the first Customs Guide for the first players" and shared the three keys of the NetEase content consumption upgrade. Wang Jiali made the difference from the consumption difference to upgrade to upgrade content, user portrait, the preference of the user's point of view. Yang Jingwen believes that the media people should break through the barriers, promote the diversification of internal category. Huang Jiayun thinks, should break through aesthetic barriers, make a change, multiple IP preservation. Chen Yingdi proposed to break the barriers of vision.

The picture is the NetEase media marketing strategy research group

Xie Wei, general manager of Zhongtai new energy and vice president of marketing center, made a keynote speech entitled "our new era". Xie Wei believes that the current public Thai new energy is facing four "new era" characteristics: first, the national industrial structure upgrading; second, consumption upgrading, new energy consumption is young, from material demand to spiritual demand; third, model upgrading, new energy vehicles put forward "new four", that is, electrification, intellectualization, Networking and sharing; fourth, Zhongtai upgrading, "three first" mode, creating the "six first".

The picture is Jie Wei, general manager of Zhongtai new energy and general manager of marketing center

Zhao Hailing, director of the bird sound market, started from the marketing experience of the bird sound, sharing how to do the product, how to do the marketing, and how to make a good advertising experience using the product. Zhao Hailing takes the bird noise reduction earphone as an example, passing the birdie sound continuously to create excellent products, and continue to do effective marketing.

The picture is Zhao Hailing, director of the LIBRATONE bird acoustics market

Hot topic IP, entertainment marketing

The first guest of the entertainment marketing specialty is Fang Fei, general manager of the mango TV advertising and marketing center, who has made a keynote speech on "the youth IP value chain - the entertainment marketing in the age of media fragmentation", sharing the thoughts and cases of mango TV for the entertainment marketing in the past five years. Fang put forward that the three elements of entertainment marketing in the past - emotion, entertainment and consumers have changed dramatically, and now the three elements of entertainment marketing are event poverty, emotional numbness, and brain advertising.

The picture is Fang Fei, general manager of the mango TV advertising and marketing center

Panel Discussion

Marco Frigatti, the Guinness world record management senior vice president and general manager of Greater China, published a keynote speech entitled "innovation not only, entertainment unbounded". Mark tells the documented case of great career he witnessed in his speech, and introduced the Guinness world record for the 62 years of history. Mark believes that the beauty of the Guinness world record is inspired, creative and entertaining, and encourages all customers, businesses and teams to try to innovate in different ways and to enjoy the joy and pride of breaking the record.

Pictured as Guinness world records global records management senior vice president and greater China General Manager Marco Frigatti

Big data, intelligent and mobile leading the new pattern of future marketing

Liao Rui, general manager of the Sogou precision advertising product department, delivered a speech entitled "the way of intelligent marketing under AI empowerment". Liao Rui believes that AI's search advertising can be more consistent with the intention of advertising, direct access to user needs, vertical scene coverage, intelligent material adaptation.


Liao Rui, general manager of Sogou precision advertising product department

IAI international award Festival, the first day of the eighteenth session of the IAI International Advertising Award, the full prize PK link, invited the Phoenix TV host, the host of golden stone finance and economics, and the famous host Qiu Qiming to host this grand competition of the PK film, film and other categories and public welfare Awards. This year a total of 1607 brand participants, 2056 cases and works to participate in the selection. In the end, the case "I am your father", the "banyan tree" series H5 submitted by the advertising company in Guangzhou, and the "walking for love" for the Beijing TV communication for the eighteenth session of the IAI International Advertising Awards, film and television, plane and other categories, public welfare awards.