The 2nd IAI International Travel Award Final Appraisal Meeting was held

On September 16, the 2nd IAI International Tourism Award Final Appraisal Meeting was successfully held at the headquarters of Beijing Poor Youth Network. All the companies and works that participated in the award report experienced the process of candidacy and preliminary examination, and ushered in the competition of final adjudication. Forty-three experts from tourism, media marketing and big cafes made up of professional online and offline final jury to make detailed, rigorous and impartial evaluation of the preliminary entries and cases, and finally decided on all kinds of gold, silver and bronze award winning works and cases.

Photo of the Final Review Committee of the Second IAI International Tourism Award (Part)

Rules are carefully reviewed and rigorously reviewed

The second IAI International Tourism Award received 208 entries/cases from 58 enterprises. This competition has set up dozens of categories from the two dimensions of tourism marketing category and tourism industry category, such as tourism destination awards, Hotel awards, content marketing awards, event marketing awards, tourism promotional film awards, cultural and tourism combination awards, characteristic towns, theme parks and other cultural and tourism phases. Customs industry can participate.

After the initial evaluation, only 83 works and cases stand out. These excellent works in the final hearing launched a fierce competition once again. The authority and professionalism of IAI International Tourism Awards are inseparable from a rigorous set of evaluation rules. Relying on mature evaluation criteria, IAI has always adhered to the principle of fair, fair and open evaluation, and adhered to rigorous, rigorous and serious evaluation process. The presidium of the final adjudication shall have a chairman of supervision and review, who shall exercise strict supervision over the whole process of review. The judges are divided into two groups and online groups, and the final examination of all the entries and cases is carried out.

Ding Junjie, Professor of Communication University of China and Chairman of IAI International Tourism Award Appraisal

At the jury meeting and after the meeting, the judges put forward valuable suggestions on the entries and award settings. "I participated in two IAI International Tourism Award Review Conferences. I am very gratified that there are such strict and professional execution teams and organizations in the industry. The IAI International Tourism Award can go further, hoping to become a century-old award and an international award." Zhong Hui, chairman of the supervision and examination of the current Final Appeal Committee and President of Shanshui Stock Company, said.

Liu Guangfei, Executive Chairman of IAI International Tourism Award

"This review is divided into five latitudes: creativity, means of expression, object, classification and effect. We have learned a lot from these projects and got a lot of inspiration." Jin Guozhi, secretary and chairman of Jintai Tourism Party Committee, said. "Video-based tourism marketing makes good use of relevant content from the media, which was not available last year. I hope that in the future we can make better use of the platform of self-Media to promote the development of the tourism industry. Yang You, editor-in-chief of micro-blog tourism, thinks.

"In this competition, we found that the marketing methods of local and tourist destinations have been updated a lot, but compared with the international ones, there are still some shortcomings. Award evaluation itself is a kind of guidance, hoping that the development of tourism industry in the future can jump out of the traditional marketing model and achieve tourism marketing innovation. Liu Changshun, the founder and President of Hulunbeier Travel Industry, pointed out.

In the evaluation process, the judges, following the rigorous, serious and rigorous evaluation process, conduct on-site online scoring system evaluation of these entries with professional attitude and ingenuity, and conduct a comprehensive and wide-angle selection of the entries. The two groups of judges discussed the final Gold, Silver and Copper Awards round by round, analyzed and determined the final awards on the spot, in order to establish the authority and fairness of the awards. Finally, through fierce discussion and evaluation, 16 gold medals and 25 bronze medals were contested on the spot.

At present, the IAI Executive Committee has sealed the final results of this session, and will announce the award results at the 2008 IAI International Tourism Festival Summit Forum and Award Ceremony held from November to December. The award-winning company will receive the honorary trophy at the award ceremony.

On-the-spot discussion on the Final Appraisal Meeting of the Second IAI International Tourism Award

Literature Travel Media Cafe Comments

On the scene of the final review meeting, Professor Ding Junjie, Professor of China Media University and Chairman of IAI International Tourism Award Evaluation, put forward strict requirements for the final review meeting. After reviewing all the works and cases by the judges, he discussed with the judges'guests the opinions and opinions of the media industry of literature and tourism, and put forward valuable ideas for IAI International Tourism Award. See and suggest.

Liu Guangfei, executive chairman of IAI International Tourism Award, pointed out that culture is the soul of tourism. In the era of shared economy, the development of cultural tourism industry needs cross-border integration and common prosperity and win-win.

Zhong Hui believes that as far as the development status of tourism industry is concerned, there is still a lot of room for development of customized tourism and customized tourism; finally, culture and tourism come together, and the combination of cultural tourism and brand will be closer.

Zhang Yueying, general manager of Sina. com's government tourism cooperation department, believes that at the tourism level, through this final review meeting, we have seen some changes in tourism from the marketing perspective. It is hoped that through the platform of IAI International Tourism Award, better creative and marketing methods can be found out and widely disseminated, which can provide more reference for the whole tourism dissemination and the brand of telling Chinese stories well. 5734

Zhao Juan, Executive Director of IAI International Tourism Award

The founder of LEXON brand in France, Bojian, said in the sharing: Today I have seen many projects reviewed, and I think it is probably the second one. There are too few things related to international tourism, such as many tourism-related products, such as backpacks, pull-rod boxes, etc. Domestic tourism city recommendation and tourism projects are really good, but also hope to have more derivatives content.

As far as tourism-related products are concerned, Chen Shihai, founder of Yishengwan, also believes that everyone is traveling, and I believe that everyone will have an indescribable feeling about souvenirs of Chinese tourist destinations, so I suggest that the Executive Committee of IAI Tourism Award may consider increasing the categories of accompanying gifts and articles of tourist destinations. When we are doing communication, we can have a landing object to carry this cultural idea. I believe this is something that many sentimental people want and want to do.

Wu Daoyuan, chairman of Indonesian Wenlu, believes that the IAI International Tourism Award is expected to fill some relative gaps in the field of ecology. The state has always advocated ecological development. Real estate and related enterprises are mainly concepts of ecology. Throughout the domestic tourism industry, it is still relatively rare to put ecology into practice and form industrial chain clusters in China.

Cao Licai, head of the commercial market of IQIYI, believes that there are many similarities between traveling and marketing, that is, they can bring happiness to themselves and others at the same time. In the view of Ikeyi, the marketing mode with Internet IP as the core may become a development trend of the tourism industry in the future.

Liang Jun, deputy general manager of destination of China Youth Travel Union, thinks that there are three directions to encourage from the perspective of industry. The first is whether the innovation of various business models of projects has enough innovative power, the second is whether the content of tourism products has enough market competitiveness, and the third is the innovation of marketing content. These are the directions that the IAI International Tourism Award can draw lessons from.

Xiao Yi, founder of Poverty Travel Network, pointed out that public welfare is something everyone needs to care about and do from me. "Green Zebra Line Public Welfare" is a chance encounter on his way, but it is worth advocating, "Please don't whine me, I'm courteous to pedestrians." A simple slogan can bring people mutual understanding and tolerance of traffic. It is also hoped that more public welfare projects will participate in the IAI International Tourism Award to promote public welfare undertakings.

This event is especially grateful for the special support of Poverty Travel Network, Lexon, the heart of the Forbidden City Food Shop, Daoxiang Village, Jiuguyuan, Yiwuwan Wine Gift Support, VPHOTO Cloud Photography Support, and invite you to participate in the 2008 IAI International Tourism Festival Summit Forum.