The first Council of the IAI International Travel Awards 2018 successfully held

In February 6, 2018, the first IAI International Tourism Award Council was successfully held in Beijing in 2018. The annual council representative attended the day meeting, summarized the work of the IAI International Tourism Award in 2017, reviewed the first awards and activities, and planned and prospected the work of the year 2018. The representatives included Communication University of China Professor, President of the IAI International Tourism Award Ding Junjie, executive chairman Liu Guangfei, Li Zhengrong, general manager of sina administration tourism, Cao Yuxiang, general manager of micro-blog's advertising business department, Tencent general manager of government tourism, Baidu map market and vice president Cao Yuxin, and Iqiyi. Deng Liang, Secretary General of the national planning general, and Zhao Juan, executive secretary of the IAI International Tourism Award. Since 2012, the growth of tourism has been relatively fast, but there is a phenomenon of barbarism. IAI hopes that in the future, tourism will be spread to all sectors so that all regions can have a better straight line development.

The representative of the Council made an in-depth discussion on the IAI International Tourism Awards' influence activities, awards categories and settings, and the establishment of governing bodies. In 2018, the award will start a more timeliness spring and autumn two season collection, the IAI international tourism award is divided into the IAI international tourism spring Hua award and the IAI international tourism autumn reality award, respectively in spring and autumn, in order to award and affirm the excellent tourism marketing cases in a more timely manner. At the same time, in the new year, IAI will gradually expand the depth of contact and cooperation with the local government agencies and cooperate with the local tourism commission, the Tourism Bureau or the provinces and cities in the way of intelligent marketing and new technology.

The IAI International Tourism Award Council promotes the open form. The well-known media and brand entry conditions conform to the Constitution and can be added into the influential brand of the industry. The IAI International Tourism Award (IAITA: International (IAI) Travel Awards) aims to award the annual innovation of the global tourism marketing community with a wide range of influential tourism marketing cases, excellent and innovative tourism groups, institutions and government organizations, and individuals; to build a national and international tourism cultural exchange and marketing level. Taiwan, promote the digitalization and branding of tourism and marketing, and contribute to the development of tourism industry.