Tmall Mart
Capitalizing on the shopping spree of the “Tmall Global Shopping Festival” on 11th Nov, Tmall Mart launched an innovative new retail concept store at Hong Kong International Airport, which is run entirely by technology and passenger engagement.
天貓超市藉「雙十一」(11月11日) 消費者瘋狂購物的商機,於香港國際機場推出一間全面使用電子科技運作及與旅客互動的創新零售體驗店。
Located right in the center of the check-in hall, the unique Tmall Mart not only attracts eyeballs, but also provide a fabulous online one-stop shopping experience, with the help of touch screen panels and QR Code scanning technology linked to smartphones.
別樹一格的天貓超市位於離港層大堂的中央位置,借助連接智能手機的觸碰屏幕和二維碼(QR Code)掃描技術,為香港國際機場的旅客帶來創新、簡易的一站式網購體驗!
客户:Tmall Mart